Viral Fever Testing

Arboviral fevers like Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika are spreading in the monsoon due to a surge in mosquito populations. Rapid diagnosis is important to prevent complications.

Our PCR-based testing is rapid, accurate and covers 8 different organisms.

Comprehensive Tropical Fever Panel by PCR

Rs. 5500/-

  • Dengue Virus
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Plasmodium spp. (malarial parasites)
  • Rickettsia spp. (tick- and flea-borne fevers)
  • Salmonella spp. (typhoid fever)
  • Leptospira spp.
  • West Nile Virus

The test will be reported within 24 hours of us receiving the sample.